Corpses on the beaches of Ancol visitors hebohkan Carnaval

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The Ancol visitors center dikagetkan Chinese new year holiday fun with the discovery of a corpse floating in the beach of Carnaval, near Segara Restaurant, Ancol, North Jakarta. The male corpse was found in a ditch near-down position just off shore.


Kapolsek Pademangan Kompol Andri Ananta said, is not yet known with certainty the cause of the death of the victim is purely due to swimming or any acts of violence.


"We have yet to confirm the cause of death. We also do not yet know whether he or visitors from outside, "said Andri Ananta when contacted, Friday (30/1).


In addition, Andri added, in the victim's pants pockets also found mobile phone and money USD 370 thousand, but regarding the identity of the victims is still trying to further investigated by it.


"We check the SIM card is on the victim. We are still searching, "explained Andri. Now the bodies are brought to the RSCM.