Luxury homes in Medan on fire as residents celebrate Chinese new year

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One unit at block A luxury homes Housing Children Coral Way scenic Malibu Sari, Medan Polonia diamuk si jago merah, Friday (30/1). The fire occurred when the residents were celebrating the Chinese new year.

There are no victims in this fire. Not until the fire consumed the whole building luxury homes but most 2nd floor burnt ludes.


The information compiled, the burning luxury homes known property of Efendi Bun aka A Bun. The whole incident when residents were preparing to receive guests in the framework of Chinese new year open house.


The cause of the fire is not yet known for sure. However, the fire was first spotted on 2nd floor home and suddenly enlarged. The incident made a panicked home owners and occupants of the complex a majority of Chinese citizens.


At least, 7 units fire engine belonging to Pemko Medan were deployed to the scene to put out the fire. After trying nearly an hour, the fire can be extinguished.


Strife had occurred during the outage lasts. The cause, the owner forced into the House to rescue bendannya treasures.



Police are still investigating the cause of the fire. "We're still doing sports scene. Temporary short-circuit allegations, "said Kanit Reskrim Polsek new terrain Iptu Alexander Piliang.